It is very important that pupils and college students get the opportunity to put theory into practice. Therefore, Busschers supports initiatives that promote the experience of these students. Additionally, Busschers is a recognized training company for different qualifications since 1998.
BBL, BOL, MBO and HBO internships
Busschers offers internships for several qualifications, such as sheet metalworker, construction fitter/welder and mechanic assembly/maintenance. We also offer internships for MBO and HBO, e.g. for a project structure, product development or production development.
Bedrijfstakschool Anton Tijdink (Industry School Anton Tijdink)
Busschers is a member of the Anton Tijdinkschool in Terborg. This vocational school offers the studies Metalworker and Mechanic Megatronics from level 1 and 2. The membership makes it possible for Busschers to offer internships to students of the Anton Tijdinkschool. For more information, please visit the website of the Anton Tijdinkschool.
Opleidingsbedrijf Metaal
The OpleidingsBedrijf Metaal (OBM) is an initiative of the Koninklijke Metaalunie and the Opleidings- en Ontwikkelingsfonds voor het Metaalbewerkingsbedrijf (OOM). The OBM is created to increase the flow of skilled technical personnel. Busschers supports this initiative by being a shareholder of OBM Twente.
An internship at Busschers?
Contact Ronald Giesen for more information about internships.